SAD DEPARTURE: Cashed-up given the departures of Keary, Joey Manu, Jared Waerea-,,,For any squad, losing players like Angus Crichton, Luke Keary, Joseph Manu, Jared Waerea-Hargreaves, and Joseph Suaalii would be a huge struggle. The team would suffer significant leadership and ability deficits if these players left the field. Each of these players adds a special set of abilities and experiences to the game. Though these exits could initially seem overwhelming, they also offer the team a chance to review and regroup, both with regard to their playing group and their general strategy for the game.
First and foremost, it’s critical to recognize the contributions that each of these guys has made to the squad. Luke Keary, for instance, has been a key player in both halves, giving the offense direction and inventiveness while also providing a consistent