TMW: Brentford ready to focus on Milan outcast amid €12m offer – the latest.
Brentford have set their sights on AC Milan outcast Yacine Adli, following the signing of Jens Cajuste of Npaoli, and an official offer could soon arrive. Whether the player will accept the move or not, though, is the question mark as a report claims.
Adli finally managed to break his way into the Milan rotation last season after an incredibly tough first season with the team. However, while he had some good performances, he failed to fully convince the management and is thus considered sellable.
According to Marco Conterio of TuttoMercatoWeb, the English side Brentford have taken note of this and following the signing of Cajuste from Napoli, they could now make a serious attempt for Adli. An offer worth €12m is seemingly already ready, but the biggest hurdle is convincing the player.
The midfielder is very attached to the club and even though playing time might be scarce, he still feels part of the team. Milan, on the other hand, are looking to make some sales to continue their work on the incoming front and Adli is certainly on the chopping block.
With the Premier League side now able to focus fully on securing Adli’s services, there could be some updates in the coming week. In the meantime, Milan are getting ready to welcome Emerson Royal.