Former Milan and Italy coach Sacchi has been critical of Conceicao in recent weeks, which has left the Portuguese upset.
Zlatan (Ibrahimovic) and (Geoffrey) Moncada are here every day to do their best for the team. We have to focus on what we can control, outside they are free to judge.
“Someone was also my coach… Sacchi two months ago said that I was a great coach, today he breaks me every day. He had great champions and won, I even sent him a message and he didn’t answer me. We live in the moment, there is great respect, people can say what they want.”
Conceicao also commented on the resignation of his spokesman Francisco Empis after yesterday’s stunning developments.
He added, “I’m sorry about this whole situation. I want to understand more, even in legal circles. It’s not clear what this collaborator did to me, I don’t know if out of malice or if he was paid by someone.
“A journalist sent me a screenshot of the points he sent, he certainly did it out of malice. I’m sorry for everyone, even for those who work here at Milan. We are here every day, Ibra and Moncada are here every day, we talk to the team, we worked in a clean week.
“I left Porto in a bad situation and I have never spoken about what happened to me at Porto; imagine if, here, when I haven’t left yet, I start talking about what is happening. He will have to answer for it in legal circles.”