One of my pastimes is reminiscing which seems to be gathering steam as I count my birthdays.
I saved my pennies and couldn’t wait to buy a copy of SPORT Magazine and read the in-depth stories on players like Robin Roberts, Dom DiMaggio, Duke Snider, Bob Feller and Warren Spahn.
The teams they played for were as far away as Saturn and Jupiter. However, I knew about Fenway Park and the Green Monster, the wall in left field. I was aware that Yankee Stadium was the “House that Ruth Built.” I knew that the ivy on the walls of Wrigley Field would turn green with the passing of time, about cotton chopping time in May.There was a deep and abiding passion for the game of baseball. I read every book at the county library about baseball. I dreamed of going to a Big-League baseball game someday and then chastised myself about the pure folly of my day dreaming.