While the Dallas Mavericks were in the middle of receiving a 128-113 beating at the hands of the New York Knicks, I know you were probably wondering what Mavs CEO Rick Welts was thinking. Well, it must’ve been our lucky day because wouldn’t you believe it, we were blessed by Welts’ presence on the Mavs broadcast for a rare appearance. However, if you were hoping for something insightful or useful from the so-called “arena czar”, the best I can do for you is the following word salad.
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? I’m willing to give Welts the benefit of the doubt, because he is decidedly not a basketball person. The CEO, preceded by Cynt Marshall before her retirement last December, largely manages the business side of the organization and has no input on basketball decisions. Welts is only here to begin with because of the work he did with the Golden State Warriors to get the Chase Center built. With that in mind, why is he on TV talking about basketball decisions?
But wait! There’s more word salad to come! Welts, who traveled to New York to do this interview because the Mavericks leadership group remains too cowardly to show their faces at home games, continued with this
The Mavericks won the Western Conference last year. Do these people hear what they’re saying? They were leading on the scorecards less than a year ago! Plus, anyone with eyes and ears knows what has to happen for them to start earning the trust of fans back. Finally, doing it the “right way” is not quite “stabbing the most beloved player since Dirk in the back in the dead of night”, either. And again, who asked for a Rick Welts TV appearance?
Lastly, the burning question every remaining Mavs fan has: What about that new arena, Ricky?
For Maverick fans, what a relief to know that while the front office doesn’t care about you, at least the business side of the organization also doesn’t care about you. The entire organization cares not for whether or not fans like you and me fill the arena, only that they will have a bunch of slot machines in Dallas when that is inevitably allowed. How cool!